How you spent November and December will directly determine the level of success and momentum you have entering the new year. We’re now a month in, and have you thought about your mindset for a successful year?
Stay Laser-Focused
Guard your calendar ruthlessly during the busy holiday season. Block off time each week to continue working on your most important business initiatives. Don’t lose momentum on your goals and priorities. The most successful leaders maintain focus by intentionally scheduling strategic thinking and planning sessions.
Create Your 90-Day Plan
Use November to map out your goals, campaigns, offers, and messaging for Q1 of 2024. Get clear on the key projects, new initiatives, and areas of focus for the first 90 days. Develop a week-by-week plan of action to hit the ground running on January 1st. Top entrepreneurs get a 90-day head start on the new year during the holidays.
Double Down on Marketing
While your audience may be traveling and distracted, don’t make the mistake of pulling back on marketing. With the right messaging and offers, you can capture their attention. Develop holiday-themed campaigns for your products/services. Share value-added content and use the holidays as a way to provide extra value and engage your audience.
Analyze Results and Optimize
Do a deep dive into what worked and what didn’t in 2023. Look at your campaigns, offers, partnerships, and overall business model. Identify any changes or improvements you can make for 2024. Successful entrepreneurs constantly evaluate results and iterate to improve. Allocate time in December for this analysis so you start the new year optimized for growth.
Rally Your Team
Schedule a strategic planning meeting with your team in December. Share your 90-day plan and priorities for Q1 2024. Make sure everyone is aligned and excited for the year ahead. Top leaders rally their teams around a compelling vision for the future. Develop that vision and get your team on board.
Recharge and Reflect
Don’t forget to recharge during the holiday madness. Make time for self-care, reflection, and time off with family and friends. Come back feeling energized, inspired, and ready to make 2024 your best year yet.
Remember that you have a responsibility to show up for your business, and it applies throughout the year.
Author, Growth Academy
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